Collegedunia Carnival


How can parents motivate their children for a better future?

Parents are the primary teachers of their children as they play a very important role in nurturing their child’s future. The process of learning and exploring starts from home. Every parent wants their children to be successful with a bright future and hence, they try their best to provide every possible resource that paves the way for their children’s well-established future.

But have you ever dealt with situations like where your child doesn’t have any interest in studies or they don’t know what they want to become in the future or they are always disinterested in the learning process?

If yes, this article is going to help you with solutions to all these problems by knowing what motivates a child to learn, how to motivate a lazy child to study, and how to improve a child’s learning skills.

Let’s talk about the first and basic question of parents which is-

What motivates a child to learn?

While few children have the ability to decide what they want to become in the future and they work for it, not every child is clear about his/her goal and they need motivation for learning and exploring their hidden potential.

As a parent, the efficient way to motivate your child towards learning is by providing them with a comfortable learning atmosphere. We all know that the prime factor required for concentrated learning is the focus. Devoted focus in learning is directly dependent on the learning atmosphere. To provide this:

  • Create a silent study environment to avoid distractions while studying. 
  • Provide them with the required resources for studying like stationary material, academic books, reference materials, etc. Availability of required resources will prevent them from distracting.
  • Avoid mobile phones during study hours to minimize distraction. 
  • Design a study plan to help them focus and have a balance in their learning method. The study plan should be designed with proper time allocation for different subjects. In addition, including skill development sessions also will be helpful.
  • Introduce a reward system to motivate your child toward learning. Giving rewards for every achievement can boost their confidence and hence motivate them to work more hard.
  • Be the Support System for your child so that they can talk to you openly about their stress and goals. If they are open to you then you can guide them properly for the path they are choosing and they can work confidently on it.

So, what if the child is too lazy to study? Don’t worry, we have a solution to this problem.

How to motivate a lazy child to study?

Analyzing the students’ community, the two major reasons for laziness in the study are identified as:- 

  • Finding the subject uninteresting, and 
  • Not understanding the concepts.

Sorting out these two issues will motivate a lazy child to pick up studying and this can be done by changing the learning method.

But how to change the learning method of children without a negative impact on them?

  • Incorporate practical learning techniques instead of just sticking to textbooks. By doing so, children get to learn with experience which stays strong in their minds.
  • Introduce them to online learning channels where concepts are taught with experiments and fun techniques.

In addition to the above-mentioned changes, certain habitual changes in learning methods are required as followed:

  • Allow Small Breaks: A lot of children are not able to concentrate for a very long period. So, allow them to take small breaks for walking, listening to music, etc. This will refresh their mind and they will not feel lazy.
  • Practice study Table Habit: Usually, parents don’t give attention to this and the child leans over a couch or on the bed thus the child feels lazy and not motivated towards learning. Always make sure your child is at the study table while working or learning.
  • Exercise daily: If the child feels lazy all the time even after making things interesting, then make sure they start exercising. This will boost and refresh their body and make them feel positive and active.

We have talked about learning and motivation. Lastly comes the question of improving the child’s learning skills.

How to improve a child’s learning skills?

At every stage of life, learning and putting updated knowledge into practice will help an individual grow professionally. The learning process can help a child to progress over time in life. 

A child’s learning skills can be improved in various ways and here are some of them:

Encourage reading Habits:

Every parent should encourage the habit of reading in their child. Reading habits can make a significant change in a child’s life. In short, reading encourages the learning process. Reading can enhance the ability to grasp knowledge in an effective way hence increasing their learning power. It not only increases the vocabulary but also plays a role in developing the communication skills of children which are very important. Reading, over time makes understanding concepts and grasping knowledge more easier and useful in exploring their field of interest. They are more likely to choose books they are interested in and hence making them more clear about their interest fields.

Provide freedom to Explore:

Allow your child to take part in various competitions rather than imposing only on a specific field of your choice. Give them the chance to explore their interest and the options they have with that subject to create a better future.

Prioritize learning than achieving:

Always make sure that your child gains some knowledge while participating in any events or competitions even if they do not win. Try to communicate with them and know what they newly learned from the task.

Boost their competitive spirit:

From the beginning, try to inculcate a competitive nature so they must thrive to work hard and learn. This will help them to explore their strengths through learning.


So, that was all about the major solutions for most encountered problems by parents when it comes to learning. Apart from this, never forget to explore career options along with your child, so that you are also satisfied with their choice and they also know how to achieve it further.

If you are not sure what course has a good scope and what are the options for your child’s field of interest, then you can join the Collegedunia Career Carnival where you can meet 75+ colleges and know about the courses and opportunities.

For registration and more information check out the official website of Collegedunia Career Carnival.


  1. What makes a child learn faster?

You can try out various learning and teaching methods like tutorials, experiential learning, reading, and writing and can find which suits your child the best for faster learning and understanding of concepts.

  1. How to get counseling to choose better courses and college?

For counseling, you can connect with collegedunia. They provide free counseling for the students and clear all the doubts of parents and children.

  1. How to explore the courses, rankings, and other facilities?

You can register online or through CD Career Carnival or can attend the career carnival and can explore the course of your choice. You can get every information regarding that course and college.

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