Collegedunia Carnival


College application blunders that students should avoid

Students find it overwhelming when applying to many colleges as they have to keep track of various things like documentation, application deadlines, early actions, application fee payment, and so on. It is normal to make mistakes at any point in the application process. As there are more variables in the college application format, there are more rooms for students to make mistakes. It is essential to look at the college’s guidelines before applying to the college.

Top blunders that students should avoid while framing a college application

There are several points where a student makes mistakes in their college application such as: 

  • Choosing the wrong college

Students have to perform detailed research on the college and their curriculum requirements before applying for the college application. Sometimes, the course the student pictures differs from what the college has to offer. While applying for college, students have to pick courses that are relevant to their high school studies. Hence, it can be an added advantage to showcase the relevant courses in the application form to which the student applies. Students have to avoid the generic reason for selecting a particular college.
At Collegedunia Career Carnival, you will learn how to choose the best college that matches your all requirements. 

  • Missing on details

Students often skimp on important details in the college application form. They state simple generic information in their application rather than mentioning details that will impact the selection of the applicant. It is essential to review the application several times before submitting it to avoid blunders.

The usage of common college application formats by many colleges results in a mishap of information about the college. For instance, While writing essays for college X, do not mention college Y as your primary choice. It can also result in typos or grammatical errors, and the usage of wrong information in the application such as incorrect college names, and personal details.

Some of the details that students often blunder in college applications are avoiding optional essays, missing required documents, forgetting to attach the application fee receipt, forgetting to add extracurricular activities, missing signature, missing letter of recommendation and scholarship options, and sending the college application to a wrong email or address.

Focus on writing about the extra-curricular activities as this might give a cutting edge and delight the college. This is one of the college application blunders that students should avoid but at the same time, it is essential not to drag or over-emphasize unrealistic extracurricular activities to impress the college.

Sometimes, students save the college application form but in a rush forget to send it to the college or sending to the incorrect mail address also costs the students as most of the colleges reject those who failed to submit the application form within a stipulated deadline.

  • Missing required documents

Filling applications to many colleges is generally a tedious process as it requires a lot of patience and proofreading. Students often forget to attach the required documents such as application fee receipts, letters of recommendation, score transcripts, and forgetting signatures. Some of the important documents are:

  • Missing score transcripts: Some students forget to submit their score transcripts or aim scores compared to the previous year’s scores of the particular college. This is a common misconception among students. The scores vary each year depending on various factors. Aiming too low scores concerning the previous year might end up failing the eligibility criteria of the college application process.
  • Missing scholarship-related documents: If a student fails to apply for a scholarship option in an expensive college, it will cost the student as they have to either pay the full fee or change college. It is best to list all the deadlines for the various college applications and check it often for any deadline changes.
  • Avoiding optional essays

Essays are an important component in a college application process. Essays make it easier for the college to know about the student well. Carefully portray the essay with clear structured phrasing and avoid lengthy and repeated information in the college essay. A unique essay grabs the attention of the reader. It is advised to avoid essays consisting of personal information about the student’s family. Students are requested to avoid risky content and illegal activities in their college essays. College essays should not sound arrogant or show off by the student. Also, lacking ambition of the student in the essay will give a chance for the college to reject their college application. Do not write essays that are self-centred and also repeated information can bore the reader and might end up rejecting the application. Hence it is necessary to avoid repeated information as this shows that there are no more variables for the student to write about which makes the student sound less interesting.

  • Lack of proof-reading

An essay has to be a unique and original piece of information. The use of thesaurus too much makes it sound more like a system than the student’s voice. Proofreading is the best way to check for any typos or grammatical errors in the college essay. Adequate Proofreading enables students to understand the blunders they make while writing an essay for a college application.

  • Missing deadlines

Missing the college application deadline is another mishap among the students. Students get overwhelmed as they have many colleges to apply to. It is difficult to track deadlines and actions if there are too many colleges on the student’s list. Even if a student completes the college application but missed the deadline to submit it, all efforts made by the student go in vain. Hence it is advised to make a database and create alerts for college application deadlines and other actions. If a college provides an early action option, complete it once all your documents are ready to be submitted. Students are advised to avoid last-minute submissions as the rush might make the students forget important things while submitting the college application form. There are many deadlines within the college application process itself. Some of them are deadlines for fee payment, scholarships, and other financial aid. Missing these deadlines cost the students more money.

  • Inappropriate social media content

As part of the college application format, Some colleges perform a background profile check on the student’s social media activities. It is best to avoid contents that might have a negative impact on the students profiling. Students can share social media contents that are known to other students.

It is also advisable to post content on topics that students have mentioned as an interest in the college application process. This shows that the students are true to their college. Dissimilar contents may create confusion among the colleges in understanding the student’s character. For instance, if a student mentions his likeness towards social service but makes a troll out of the same in their social media profile, then it shows the college that the shared information in their college application form is incorrect and hence subjected to rejection of the college application.

  • Too much parental involvement

It is essential to take advice from parents and career counselors but too much involvement restricts the student’s activities. Some students apply to colleges just because their parents want them to. Students should apply for colleges and courses concerning their interests. Some colleges make a note of to what extent the student campaigns for themselves rather than reaching out to their parents for even the smallest query in the college application format. Also, do not leave the career counselor out of the loop in the college application and try to acquire guidance for writing a college essay and proofreading the college application form.

  • Lacking a specific letter of recommendation

Students are advised to create a strong relationship with their teachers or counselors to avoid the generic letter of recommendation. Also, a last-minute letter of recommendation will not provide the teachers ample time to give a specific letter of recommendation. Try getting the letter of recommendation as early as possible as some of the teachers might limit their letter of recommendation.


Getting a college admission might sound difficult but students who fulfil all the requirements and avoid mistakes while filling out the college application form can have a hassle-free process. It is advised that students have to showcase their vision and ambition in the college application form. Also, the self-realization of students in the college essay makes a clear and accurate picture of the student’s journey.


  1. Do grammar and typo mistakes matter in a college application?

In the current scenario, with various spell-check and grammar-checking tools, it is easy to avoid such errors. Making these types of errors shows that the students are casual about the college application and portrays that student gives less importance to the college.

  1. How to correct the mistakes in the college application form?

It is difficult to correct the mistakes in the college application form. However, some colleges give a particular period for any changes such as spelling mistakes, changes of mobile number, or mail ID in the application form.

  1. What are the three big mistakes commonly made by students on their college application essays?

Repeating the same information throughout the essay, not writing essays using students’ own voice or perspective, and untailored essays are the three big mistakes commonly made by students in their college application essays.

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