Collegedunia Carnival


10 tips for all college-going students to reduce procrastination

Procrastination is a common issue among college students, where they delay or postpone tasks that need to be completed. This can range from procrastinating studying to submitting an assignment. Overcoming procrastination may seem challenging, but understanding the reasons behind it can make it easier to avoid. By improving time management skills and learning how to not procrastinate, students can maximize their productivity and achieve their academic goals. This article provides valuable tips for avoiding procrastination and by implementing these tips consistently, students can overcome procrastination and succeed in college.

What is the meaning of Procrastination?

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing activities, tasks, and responsibilities. It is a behaviour that is characterized by avoiding doing something that needs to be done, despite knowing that it should be done. It is often viewed as a form of self-sabotage and a lack of motivation, and it can create feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and self-doubt. Procrastination can also lead to missed deadlines, missed opportunities, and a lack of productivity. It can interfere with relationships, cause stress, and decrease the overall quality of life. Procrastination is a common problem, and it is often difficult to overcome. The best way to avoid procrastination is to break tasks down into manageable chunks, set realistic goals, and reward yourself for completing tasks.

So why do we procrastinate?

We all procrastinate from time to time. It’s a natural human behaviour that we often do to avoid having to do something unpleasant, or to delay something until the last minute. But why do we procrastinate?

First and foremost, procrastination is a form of avoidance. We procrastinate because it’s easier to ignore a task or goal than to confront it. We might be afraid of failure, or the task might be too difficult or intimidating. Procrastination can also be rooted in perfectionism, where we feel too overwhelmed by the idea of a perfect outcome, so we avoid it altogether.

How to Avoid procrastination?

Experts of Collegedunia Career Carnival suggest some useful tips for students through which they can avoid procrastination. Here are 10 tips for all college-going students to avoid procrastination:

  1. Identify why you are procrastinating

The first step to avoiding procrastination is to identify why you are procrastinating in the first place. Is it because you don’t have enough motivation? Are you overwhelmed by the task? Are you afraid of failure? Once you identify the cause, you can work on finding a solution.

  1. Break tasks down into smaller, manageable parts.

Procrastination is an all-too-common problem when tasks are daunting or appear too intimidating to tackle. It is important to break down the task into smaller and more achievable parts to combat this. This way, the task does not seem so overwhelming and can be completed more promptly. Additionally, it can be helpful to set deadlines for each of the smaller tasks in order to stay on track and motivated. To help stay focused and motivated, it is important to reward yourself for completing each task. This can be anything from taking a break to having a snack or doing something that you enjoy.

  1. Set realistic goals.

Setting realistic goals can help you stay motivated and on track. Instead of setting a goal to complete a project in one day, break it down into smaller, more achievable goals. This will help you stay focused, manage your time better and make sure that you do not get overwhelmed. For example, you could set a goal to finish three pages of your project each day. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you track your progress. By breaking down a large project into smaller, achievable tasks, you will be able to reach your goals in a timely manner and with much less stress.

  1. Make a to-do list.

To-do list: prioritize tasks, set realistic deadlines, and break down larger tasks into smaller goals that can be more easily achieved. Make sure to also plan for any potential roadblocks or distractions so that you can stay on track and remain focused.

  1. Eliminate distractions.

Distractions can be one of the biggest and most damaging causes of procrastination. If you have a task that needs to be accomplished, it is important to take steps to block out any potential distractions. Turn off the television, put away your phone, stay off social media, and find a quiet, distraction-free environment to help you stay focused on the task at hand. This can be the difference between completing a task in a timely manner and letting it linger for too long.

  1. Reward yourself.

Rewarding yourself for completing tasks can be a great motivator. Set yourself small rewards for completing each part of a task, such as a snack or a break, which can be a great way to incentivize yourself to keep going. Even something as simple as giving yourself a pat on the back for completing a task can be very rewarding and can help keep you motivated to continue working. Additionally, you can find creative ways to reward yourself for completing tasks, such as buying a new item or taking yourself out to dinner. No matter what rewards you choose, make sure they are something that you will look forward to achieving.

  1. Stay organized.

Staying organized can help you stay on top of tasks and avoid procrastination. Set aside a designated workspace, and make sure all materials are easily accessible. Keep a detailed schedule or to-do list of all your tasks and responsibilities, and set reasonable timelines for completing them. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and reward yourself for completing each one. Establish a regular routine and try to stick to it as much as possible. Declutter your workspace and organize all of your materials so you know what you have and where it is. Invest in tools and resources that can help simplify processes and make your life easier.

  1. Take breaks

Breaks can be hugely beneficial for helping you stay focused, manage stress, and stay productive. Taking regular breaks can also help to keep you motivated and increase your productivity. Whether it’s a quick walk outside, a few minutes of meditation, or a stretch session, taking a break can be the key to helping you stay focused and productive.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Trying to tackle a task alone can be a daunting and intimidating experience. It can be difficult to take the first step, and this can lead to procrastination. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help or support if you need it. There are many helpful resources available to assist you in tackling whatever challenges you may be facing.

  1. Don’t beat yourself up

If you find yourself procrastinating and struggling to motivate yourself to get back on track, don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s normal to lose focus and feel overwhelmed at times. Just take a few moments to pause and remind yourself of your goals. Then, take a deep breath and refocus on your task. It’s never too late to get back on track and start making progress toward your goals.


Procrastination can be defined as the act of delaying or postponing tasks that need to be completed. It is a common issue that affects many college-going students, leading to poor academic performance and increased stress levels. However, there are various effective strategies that students can use to avoid procrastination and manage their time more efficiently. By implementing these strategies consistently, students can reduce their tendency to procrastinate and achieve academic success. It is important to remember that overcoming procrastination requires effort and commitment, but the benefits are well worth the investment of time and energy.


Q: What is procrastination?

A: Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks that need to be completed, often leading to decreased productivity and increased stress.

Q: Why do college students procrastinate?

A: College students may procrastinate due to a variety of reasons, such as feeling overwhelmed, lacking motivation, feeling bored, or being afraid of failure.

Q: How can I avoid procrastination as a college student?

A: To avoid procrastination, college students can implement strategies such as setting achievable goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, prioritizing important tasks, eliminating distractions, seeking accountability, taking breaks, staying motivated, staying organized, and seeking help when needed.

Q: Is it possible to overcome procrastination?

A: Yes, it is possible to overcome procrastination by consistently implementing strategies to manage time more effectively and increase productivity. It may require practice and commitment, but it can be achieved with perseverance.

Q: What are the consequences of procrastination in college?

A: Procrastination in college can lead to poor academic performance, increased stress levels, missed deadlines, and missed opportunities. It can also negatively impact mental and physical health.

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